Team Truffle Shufflers! September Challenge (CLOSED GROUP)

hefinator Posts: 260
edited October 1 in Motivation and Support
Hello Ladies!!!

I’m excited to get started with the September challenge! It’s going to be a lot of fun, and I sincerely hope that we all stay connected and motivated!! Here is the list of our team members!! Go add people if you don’t have them added already!!


Remember, we are in this together!! Let’s use each other as support and stick together the whole month! We are all here for the same reason, and we will all achieve our goals if we just stick with it. We may have bad days, or bad weeks, but when you feel like you are slipping, reach out to your team mates!! I know I’ve felt like I’ve been slipping lately, and you guys have been great at picking me back up and reminding me why I’m doing this!!

Before the challenge starts (on September 1st, of course!), I would like to encourage you guys to have a 3lb or 5lb dumbbell set. They can be found for under $10 at places like Wal-Mart if you don’t have some. If you just can’t afford it right now, cans of soup or water bottles can be used as substitutes.

This month, we will be utilizing (HIIT) High Impact Interval Training along with TABATA Training. A tabata timer will be provided for free in the future via mp3 file. This will be a free download and can help you stay on the Tabata cycle. Tabata training is a 20 second intense workout with a 10 second break over 4 exercises and then you repeat for a total of 4 minutes. It is designed to increase aerobic and anaerobic conditioning. You can Google and read more about Tabata training. Here’s an example:

Once I have more info from our Head-dude, Gary, I will let you all know!! In the meantime, introduce yourselves to the team!!

Let’s stay strong this whole month and break through barriers together! This forum is JUST FOR US!! So share, complain, and motivate!!


“It comes down to a simple question: what do you want out of life, and what are you willing to do to get it?”


  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    Thanks Holly! I'm super excited, can't wait :)!! Mostly because I have not been doing very good but with this challenge I'm sure I will get back on track.
  • I'm excited to start my first official challenge
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    I'm so excited to get started and working with all of these wonderful people!! :)
  • cj2lose
    cj2lose Posts: 80 Member
    I'm excited too! Should be a great challenge!
  • trout3063
    trout3063 Posts: 121 Member
    I'm nervous as I don't know what to expect...but I'm excited to see some RESULTS! I dig competition! Yea...thanks for the support through this!

    Can't wait to get STARTED!!
  • sybils
    sybils Posts: 5
    I am so excited in a weird way hehehe. Where is everyone located? I am in California by Oakland =) Great Job team !
  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    I am so excited in a weird way hehehe. Where is everyone located? I am in California by Oakland =) Great Job team !

    I'm in little ol' Rhode Island impatiently waiting the arrival of Hurricane Irene. :)
    I'm a science geek so I'm wicked excited for the hurricane! I havent seen a good one since Hurricane Bob in 1991!!!!
  • Maggiedc
    Maggiedc Posts: 49
    I'm in Wisconsin near Milwaukee! So excited for my first challenge...really need to kick this one in the butt!!! I have a stupid question...I haven't done anything with my signature at all on here and I was wondering how to put the group image on...since its so awesome!!!! :)
  • hefinator
    hefinator Posts: 260
    So glad to see us all checking in!!

    For those unfamiliar with August's Challenge, here's a little background.
    We will receive a list of Daily challenges to be completed Monday through Saturday, with a Sunday rest day. these are challenges to be done Above and beyond your normal scheduled workouts.
    We will also receive a Group weekly challenge, (example: logging 1000 miles for the whole team IN ADDITION to all the other stuff)
    We will get points on different accomplishements with weight and challenges completed.

    Here's a little info I received on how the challenge points will be running:
    1 point for each pound lost per team member
    1 point for each team member who does their daily exercise challenge (1 point per member)
    1 point for the other weekly challenges (water intake, staying under calories etc.) Each week
    different challenge per member
    (you will put 1 in the excel spreadsheet)
    o Daily Exercise – If every team member logs the daily exercise as doing it for all 6 days
    Mon – Sat. You may award your TEAM an extra 5 points
    o Weekly Challenges – if every team member log the weekly challenge as doing it for all 6
    days Mon – Sat. You may award your TEAM an extra 5 points

    During the September challenge, there will be 2 levels of challenge exercises: a basic low impact workout and an advance high impact workout. I encourage you to mix and match, but don't push yourself to injury!!!

    as Maggiedc mentioned, there is a signature created for our team. it's super cheesy and i made it using an online photo program. I know its not fancy like some other teams have, but hey, that's okay! to add it to your signature, first click the SIGNATURE button from the top links on the message boards. Then, copy and paste the following info, changing the captial IMG to lowercase img.


    Iw ill be posting another post shortly with some intro stuff to get our team started!! IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS, please just ask!! :)

  • trout3063
    trout3063 Posts: 121 Member
    I didn't say I'm from Oregon....a little town called Canby, just south of Portland
  • vampee
    vampee Posts: 103 Member
    Hi to everyone. I am late in the response due to computer problems. I use my phone for MFP but I cant seem to post on the message boards. Anyway, as you can see, I now have my computer up and running which is good since I am now behind in my classwork. :noway:

    I am a mother of four, a barista, and student pursuing my degree in phlembotomy and then my degree in Medical Laboratory Sciences.

    Needless to say, time is little but I am bound and determined to make the most of the time I do have to spare.
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    I am so excited in a weird way hehehe. Where is everyone located? I am in California by Oakland =) Great Job team !

    i'm from california too! LA :), but we go up north every so often.
  • hefinator
    hefinator Posts: 260
    *Stands up*
    Hello, my name is Holly, and i'm addicted to food!!

    okay, hard part over!! I'm so glad we are all getting to know eachother!! Only a few more days before the fun begins!!!

    so, you know my name, but not much about me! I live north of Seattle, WA. I work as a CAD Drafter working on floor plans for Microsoft buildings worldwide. I have been in a constant battle with my weight for the past 5 years. I joined a gym in the same building I work in and have been slowly going more frequently, so i don't burn out and quit going, which is what I tend to do!! I have no children and am not married, but have a wonderful boyfriend that I share my life and adventures with! (Ring on the way? dress shopping in my future?! hehe)

    I would like us all to be honest about our weight, our struggles, and our successes. I currently weight 266lbs (could change before weigh in day on Thursday Morning!), and would like to one day be back down to 150lbs. My mini goal is to be at 250, or under, by the end of the month! My boyfriends birthday is at the end of the month and I'd love to be able to wear this cute dress I have to his birthday dinner!

    I've got some preliminary challenge info from Gary and am waiting on some clarification before I post it all. Have no fear though, it will all be posted by tomorrow so that we can start September with a BANG!! I will have all the basic and advanced challenges, as well as youtube videos for each. I will also include instructions on how we will go about tracking challenges completed, and weigh ins!!

    Get Ready girls, its gonna be crazy!!

  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    Hey everyone, Just wanted to give you all a heads up.
    I may have to start the September Challenge a few days late. We got hit semi-hard by Hurricane Irene this weekend and are still without power and water (I have well water, so in order for the pump to pump water out of the well, we need electricity). The electric company said the earliest we may get power back is Monday. :cry: My fiance, dog, bird, and I have taken up residence at my fiance's parent's house until we can move back home. Their house is extremely cluttered right now because they are doing so much work so my fiance's grandfather can move into the home, so there is no room for me to do any exercise in the mornings and it's the busiest time at work (I work in a Financial Aid Office at a college and move in day is this weekend!) so I'm not able to do it during the day.
    I feel so bad letting you all down so early in the game. :frown: But I WILL get back into it as soon as my house is up and running again!!!
  • trout3063
    trout3063 Posts: 121 Member
    Holly I thought your posts sounded like you were in construction! I'm an estimator for an electrical contractor.....what does that mean? I price construction. I'm not an electrician, not even close....but I have software that will help me tell you how much it would cost to install anything electrical! So I sit behind a pc all day viewing drawings from my 30" monitor and clicking away with my keyboard and mouse. Pretty sedate work and sometimes is BORING!

    My September goal is to double the weight I've lost so far. I don't have as much to lose as some but I've had this same amount to lose for now 10 years!!!! So it's "happy" on my hips and I'm ready to kick it OFF!

    I'm training myself to run doing the Couch to 5K and I'm in week three. I just finished playing co-ed softball with a bunch of my neighbors...that burned a TON of calories on game night and I will miss that!

    My kids are in swim lessons twice a week for the next two months and my GOAL is to work out while they're in the pool. I hope I'm not to embarrassed to do this as my plan is to use the matts that are in the pool area in the corner of the building....the other parents that sit and wait on the bleachers for thier kids might give me funny would be awesome if they don't even notice what i'm doing!!! They're in the water for 30 minutes and my Nike Training Club App for my phone has 30 minute INTENSE workouts that don't require any equipment. This could also be the time I do my challenge exercises!

    I've signed up to do Race for the Cure on Sept 18th, and I am doing the Hybrid Adventure Games on 10/ there are two events that I need to keep training for that also will be motiviating me this month.

    Hang's gonna be a ride!

  • MacSkillz
    MacSkillz Posts: 417 Member
    My house has power again!!! woohoo!!
    Also, I just changed my username :) It used to be Lesley1126
    My new username is what people have been calling me since I got engaged. It's a combination of my fiance's last name and my last name.
  • hefinator
    hefinator Posts: 260
    alright ladies... TIME TO BEGIN!!! Please post your starting weight by the end of the day September 1st! Also,. please post the goal weight you would like to be at by the last day of September!! I encourage you all to be open and honest with the team and just share in the forum, but if you would rather send me a private message with your info, i'm totally fine with that!!

    Here are the excercises for the first week of September!!! The PYGMY Series is the beginner workouts. If you would like to challenge yourself a little more, try the BUSHMEN series!! Both are listed below. REMEMBER: These should be done in addition to your normal workout routine! This is a challenge, not a replacement!

    Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 30 Squat Kicks* and 50 Jumping Jacks
    ( )
    Day 2 Exercise Challenge – 2 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses + 1 Extra Mile jog, walk or run ( * You may use cans of soup, tomato juice or bottles of water if u don’t have weights
    Day 3 Exercise Challenge – 50 Crunches* + 20 Mountain Climbers
    ( )

    WEEK 1 – BUSHMEN SERIES (Advanced)
    Welcome to '300' Week!! You will do 6 exercises at 50 reps as quickly as possible 3 times this week. These are not to be broken up into segments. You are the BUSHMEN it’s time to push yourself!
    Day 1 - 50 Squat Kicks, 50 Jumping Jacks , 50 Crunches, 50 Mountain Climbers, 50 Wood Chops and last but not least 50 Globe Jumps!
    Day 2 - 2 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Presses, 2 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 Dumbbell Chest Fly’s, 2 Sets of 15 Lawnmowers, 2 sets of Tricep Kickbacks, 2 sets of 15 Shoulder Shrugs (weighted)
    Day 3 - 50 Squat Kicks, 50 Jumping Jacks , 50 Crunches, 50 Mountain Climbers, 50 Wood Chops and last but not least 50 Globe Jumps!

    *******Please watch the videos as they may differ from your version of the exercise! Additional videos will be posted for excercises that are missing them!*********

    Week One Weekly Team Challenge
    Each team member must log every day and not go over their target calories and log at least 64 oz. of water each day. If each team member does this all 4 days, our team will be awarded 5 Bonus Points.

    let me know if you guys have any questions. GET READY FOR A WILD AND CRAZY MONTH!!

  • hefinator
    hefinator Posts: 260
    Hey everyone, Just wanted to give you all a heads up.
    I may have to start the September Challenge a few days late. We got hit semi-hard by Hurricane Irene this weekend and are still without power and water (I have well water, so in order for the pump to pump water out of the well, we need electricity). The electric company said the earliest we may get power back is Monday. :cry: My fiance, dog, bird, and I have taken up residence at my fiance's parent's house until we can move back home. Their house is extremely cluttered right now because they are doing so much work so my fiance's grandfather can move into the home, so there is no room for me to do any exercise in the mornings and it's the busiest time at work (I work in a Financial Aid Office at a college and move in day is this weekend!) so I'm not able to do it during the day.
    I feel so bad letting you all down so early in the game. :frown: But I WILL get back into it as soon as my house is up and running again!!!

    SAFETY FIRST!!!! Glad to hear you are all okay after a wild weekend! Do not worry if you don't start right away, I know you'll get right into it when you can!
  • hefinator
    hefinator Posts: 260
    Holly I thought your posts sounded like you were in construction! I'm an estimator for an electrical contractor.....what does that mean? I price construction. I'm not an electrician, not even close....but I have software that will help me tell you how much it would cost to install anything electrical! So I sit behind a pc all day viewing drawings from my 30" monitor and clicking away with my keyboard and mouse. Pretty sedate work and sometimes is BORING!

    My September goal is to double the weight I've lost so far. I don't have as much to lose as some but I've had this same amount to lose for now 10 years!!!! So it's "happy" on my hips and I'm ready to kick it OFF!

    I'm training myself to run doing the Couch to 5K and I'm in week three. I just finished playing co-ed softball with a bunch of my neighbors...that burned a TON of calories on game night and I will miss that!

    My kids are in swim lessons twice a week for the next two months and my GOAL is to work out while they're in the pool. I hope I'm not to embarrassed to do this as my plan is to use the matts that are in the pool area in the corner of the building....the other parents that sit and wait on the bleachers for thier kids might give me funny would be awesome if they don't even notice what i'm doing!!! They're in the water for 30 minutes and my Nike Training Club App for my phone has 30 minute INTENSE workouts that don't require any equipment. This could also be the time I do my challenge exercises!

    I've signed up to do Race for the Cure on Sept 18th, and I am doing the Hybrid Adventure Games on 10/ there are two events that I need to keep training for that also will be motiviating me this month.

    Hang's gonna be a ride!


    I know the feeling, sitting on your butt all day just clicking away at the computer!! Some days, I get to do walkthroughs for my other contract, at the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, and those days I can get in 10000 steps in just 4 hours! HUGE CAMPUS!!

    Way to go on the c25k! I will be starting that up next week. I'd really like to be able to do the Rock n Roll Marathon in Seattle next summer! sounds like you have a lot of motivation to keep going, and we'll all be here to cheer you on!! :)
  • blueillusion3
    blueillusion3 Posts: 151 Member
    hi girls! my name is kat. and... yay!! we start tomorrow!!! i will post my weight then :), my goal is to lose 6-10 lbs by the end of september.
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